lurker's craft

Lurker's Craft

Welcome to the Lurker's Craft website. We are an Australian-based independent computer games developer, formed in 2006 by QUT graduates and members of the Brisbane chapter of the International Game Developers' Association.

Lurker's Craft has been awarded twice in the '48 hour game competition' held at the QUT Kelvin Grove campus. Download our creations from the games page on this site, and then see the competition website for details about what we're up against each year.

We use the following engines to construct our game prototypes:

  • Unity3d
  • Torque
  • Quest 3D
Feel free to contact us if you'd like to get involved.

Featured Game


Our first creation using the Unity 3D engine. Our work netted us the "most polished game" award in the 48hour game comp for 2009.
This year's game had to be built around the words Storm, Giant, and Love.

Comes in both PC and MAC flavours. Enjoy!

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